Notes on daily activity list by a QA person
Here is a sample for daily activity list/status for a new member (leadership or managerial position) in a QA team who has joined a new organization. Though it might not make sense for others completely (as it refers some pointer for a particular project/product etc and the background is not given here) but it is certain that it is going to help others to give a snapshot of how we can keep track of our daily activities which is definitely very helpful in year end/quarterly appraisal cycle and this is must for a feel good factor for your accomplishment.
Got an overview of the project from Mr. XX
Send out a mail to Mr. Boss about some basic queries - scope of work, goals, communication interface, guidance etc
Going through Technical architecture docs
Send out a mail to Onsite manager, letting him know my work plan
Took an interview along with Mr XX
Had an discussion with Dev manager and got an very high level understanding of the workstream
Attended Client presentation
Screened a resume and gave the feedback (Rejected) to Mr Boss
Preparing a PPT on the domain knowedge
Preparing a PPT on the domain knowedge
Attended Video conference with Onsite managers - counterpart
Intercated with other professional QA team lead and got to know about QA on professional service
Sent out QA metrics. Added a couple of them in the existing list
Gave the presentation on domain knowledge
Intercated with dev team members and got an overview of Product MC
Had an walkthrough on Product MC, MR and Application patch testing process by Mr XXX
Sent the analysis of product XAT defects to onsite counterpart
Sent out the QA charter to Mr Boss
Attended Induction Program by the organization
Attended Induction Program by the organization
Sent short para on Engineering QA processes/expertise/tools to the organization QA head
working on Metrics finalization
Took Face to face interview - 1 team member
Discussed with Mr XX about the monitoring and tracking of the projects
Sent the QA metric Plan to Mr Boss(Excercise time frame, priority to diff kind of testing)
Received direction of Goal planning started working
Sent out the modified QA charter
Goal Planning - working
Attended product architecture presentation by Dev team
Attended Governance presentation at (organizaton level for managers)
Took two interviews. Provided feedback comments
Coordinated with onsite manager to give for two time slots for client interview of the selected candidates
Completed Goal planning on Team as well as individual perspective and sent to MR Boss
Took two interviews (internal candidates) and provided comments
Come out with RRF description for the QA position for TDD method (took inputs from Dev manager and Mr Boss) position and sent to onsite manager
Goal planning - not received the feedback - followed up with Mr Boss
Sent out StabilityAnalysis matrix to Mr Boss
Goal planning - discussion with Mr Boss
Coordinated with onsite QA managers for time slot for a candidate
Attending product installation process by Mr xx
Goal setting - cleaning up goal and making it realistic one
provided interview feedback comments for a candidate to onsite manager
screened resumes for testing position (TDD method)
Sent the Goal planning - cleaned up and made more realistic one - finalized from my side
provided comments on automation test effort estimation by profession service team to Mr Boss
Helped team members and gave inputs to for filling up the Goal sheet
Discussed with Mr Boss for each point - Goal planning
Meeting with Mr Boss and Mr XX - testing update
Gave comments for a candidate's profile - test position(TDD method)
new team member joined today
Fine tune the Final goal sheet as applicable to each team member
Sent goal sheet to onsite manager for review
Created a document on Testing approach to take on a project from EDC for product line MR
Took two face to Face interview an dprovided feedback
working on Test plan creation for MR Rel 52 patch asked by onsite manager
Attended Security patch traiging meeting with onsite team members
working on Test plan creation for MR Rel 52 patch asked by
Attended Bi weekly status meeting
working on Test plan creation for MR Rel 52 patch asked by onsite manager
Sent the test plan to Mr Boss
Sent the test plan to onsite manager
Had Goal planning discussion with onsite managers
Meeting with professional service QA folks captured skill sets, current tasks and aspiration and sent to onsite manager.
product installation - attended the demo
Had a discussion with QA director
Discussed with onsite manager about the open items in Test plan
going to have access to Test Director, Clear Quest, access to onsite server lab.
followup on teammeber working to access TD
coordinated with Onsite manager for TD and CQ access
Sent the modified Goal sheet to onsite manager incorporating the review comments
Goal sheet sent to team, gave guidance to fill up. Followed up to get the filled up form from all of them
Prepared a checklist - resource utiliztaion chart to make the project plan ready
Took one interview - gave feedback. Rejected.
Had one on one discussion with teammember A,B,C
attended Testing Council Brown Bag Session and QA Automation Dashboard training
attended call with onsite coordinator about the setup of MR server
Had a discussion with profession QA lead about engaging QA folks on Engg QA work.
Sent out a plan for next 2 weeks how i am going to engage team members
Goal sheet - completed for all the existing team members
attended Call with onsite coordinator - discussed resource utilization , info about MR rel 52 patch
gave team members inputs to start -
call with onsite coordinator - ask functional testing info, QA utilization
asked teammember C to work on open source tool
attended Quality Center training - 2 hrs
Dev manager explained about the defects on MR Patch 62
Identified few gaps
call with onsite cordinator
Attended Bi weekly status meeting
Took one interview
Quality Center training - 2 hrs
MC Brown bag session by Dev team lead - 1.5 hours
completed identifying the gaps in testing by dev team and re etimated the timelines.
Attended call with onsite coordinator - Review Gap analysis and MR Coverage
Took one interview - QA position for TDD method
MR Patch testing - coordinated team members and dev team
could not access to Multibox environment, team member spent time in local boxes and others understanding the product.
verified and Approved timesheet for the teammembers
QA Dev team hands off - document prepared by Mr Boss - Review comments given
Call with onsite coordinator - MR testing progress
After one month......
Attended Corporate Banking Training
Prepared plan and sent to Onsite manager
Oversee R61 XAT testing
Sent to Mr. Boss: R61 XAT Estimation, Plan and PIN doc.
Asked onsite coordinator for Release Note - R61 testing
Sent out update on Steering comitte meeting inputs to Mr. Boss
Took one interview and sent out feedback.
Sent Test Closure report to Onsite manager and Mr Boss - R51 Xat testing.
Sent status of R61 Xat testing to Onsite manager.
Sent a mail to onsite trainer - status on CB knowledge gain
Attended CB Training
Discussed with Mr. Boss about the open requisition (one more position) for QA Team
Sent a mail to onsite developer - about the plan for fixing reopened defects of R51 0
Attended CB Training
Discussed with Mr. Boss about the open requisition (one more position) for QA Team
Sent out a mail to onsite manager about QA position (TDD method)
Modified the R61 Xat testing plan as one resource will be back to back to PS and sent to Onsite manager.
Sent a mail to onsite manager about the resource utilization .
Sent status of R61 Xat testing to onsite manager.
Sent a mail to onsite manager about the identified resource for automation
Attended CB Training
Validated a resume for the suitability of TDD position.
Attended All Hands meeting
Asked onsite doc person about the Release note R61 Xat testing.
Coordinated with onsite person about the automation tool installation.
Asked onsite manager about a license for the a tool.
Sent status of R61Xat testing to Onsite Manager.
Sent to Onsite manager about the confusion on R61 Xat defect list. QA has one list and Dev has other list.
Attended CB Training
Followed up with Developer about the comments on test cases on R61 Defects
Sent out everybody's goal sheet
Attended CB Training
Inputs to 2 team members - CB and following up
Inputs to team member - R61 Xat testing - following up - MR defects - likely to come.
Following up with 1 team member - R61 integration tetsing
Sent a mail to Onsite member - Subversion access
CQ access for 1 team member - sent a mail to insite coordinator
Bill - Existing test cases for corporate Banking
Prepared test closure report for R61 Xat testing
Call with onsite manager
Attended CB training
Peg release defect analysis - 2 team members
Followed up with subversion access - Sent a mail to onsite manager
Xat upcoming defects assigned to 1 team member
Places request for QC for 2 team members
Requested devloper for backend level testing session - CB training
Asked onsite person for R31 and R41 Test environment
Making sure all the access details - CQ, Subversion, etc for all the team members
Analysis of peg patch defects - observation sent to onsite manager
Appreciated 1 team member on R61 patch testing well ahead of the schedule
2 team members- High level test scenario prepared
Shortlisted few resumes
Asked onsite team members to send us the sample input files for test
Coordinating with Onsite member for QC login
Took one interview and sent out feedback
Analysis of the defects peg patch - update - sent to onsite manager
Subversion - still not accessible - sent out a mail
Call with onsite manager
Making sure all the access details - CQ, Subversion, ownlog in id for all the team members
Validated a resume
Updated bi weekly status update call and sent out ppt
Coordinated with onsite manager for a time slot for interviewing a candidate
sharepoint site for uploading documents no accessible - sent out a mail to onsite coordinator
Prepared a plan for R31 and R41 Xat defect validation
team member's test scenario validated and gave a go ahead signal
Asked onsite person for Test environment details for peg patch testing
Sent out onsite manager - PTO plan for the team
Took one interview -sent out the feedback
Perf rating for the team - excel sheet is under progress.
Sent out to Mr Boss - the perf rating of the team members/comments
Sent out to Onsite manager- estimation and plan for Peg patch testing
Sent out to Onsite manager - progress on R31 and R41 Xat defect validation status
oversee patch testing and KT progress
Monday, June 28, 2010
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